Education to prayer is fundamental to the catechesis of young children. (...) But it is clear that we intend to speak about education to prayer and not to prayers. Prayer is the most personal and jealous expression of the relationship with God; no one can really teach another to pray. In this sphere, even more than in other areas, the catechist should call forth all his respect for the mystery and for the child, and for all the child's sensitivity and creativity.
From Sofia Cavaletti, "The Religious Potential of the Child"
« My body is happy »
Stefania, age 4 quoted by Sofia Cavaletti
« Can we pray here? I have so many things to tell him »
Grace, age 4
« Thank you, father God for making the universe out of nothing; thank you father God for making me out of nothing. Thank you for light »
Courtney, age 5
« At night I tell him the beautiful things of the day»
Cristina, age 6
« I sleep in the comfort of the Lord, my Father. I rest in his arms. He reminds me of peace and love»
Annie, age 7
« Hold the light in your heart, forever and ever. Strong everlasting oil. Forever and ever. Prayers that are everlasting. Rejoice, alleluia, alleluia»
Madeline, age 7
The Good Shepherd with Holy Spirit over his head. Boy aged 10
« God I may forget you this day. But please don't forget me. »
Colleen, age 9« Bread with yeast rises like a kingdom with God's love. A bread without yeast is a flat heart without God's love »Addie, age 11
« Glorious Giver of Life, beloved True Vine, we know that we are lucky and honored to have received your Eucharist. It leaves us refreshed and overfilled with your joy, love and peace. Help us to get through this week. Guide us through all our troubles and worries. We remember that if we have nothing but your love, then we have everything we need. Amen »Children from a level III atrium
These prayers are taken from The Journals of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Publications